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The surname Watts has English origins and is of patronymic nature, meaning it was originally derived from a personal name. In this case, “Watts” is a short form or a variant of the name Walter. The name Walter itself has Germanic roots, derived from the Old Germanic elements “wald,” meaning “rule,” and “heri,” meaning “army” or “warrior.”

Over time, the name Walter evolved into various forms and spellings, and Watts became one of those variations. The addition of the “-s” is a common way of forming a patronymic surname, indicating “son of Walter.”

The surname Watts has been found in historical records dating back to the Middle Ages in England. It is a relatively common surname, and individuals bearing this name have played various roles in society over the centuries. Like many surnames, it may have spread and evolved as families moved to different regions, and different branches of the family adopted variations of the name.

  • The Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) are an independent office which supports the Lord Chancellor and Lady Chief Justice in considering complaints about the personal conduct of judicial office holders. It was established in 2006, […]
  • A barrister is anyone who has been Called to the Bar in England and Wales. For a barrister to offer a full range of legal services (including what are known as “reserved legal activities”) a […]
  • On the 5th July 2024, former barrister Shabana Mahmood was named as Lord Chancellor and secretary of state for justice in the new Labour government. Shabana Mahmood was sworn in as lord chancellor at the […]
  • The Solicitor General is the second law officer of the Crown in the United Kingdom, after the Attorney General. The role of the Solicitor General is to assist the Attorney General in their legal duties […]
  • The Bar Standards Board (BSB) is the regulatory body for barristers in England and Wales. It was established under the Legal Services Act 2007, which brought in sweeping changes to the way legal services were […]
  • The Attorney General is a senior legal officer in the United Kingdom who is responsible for representing the Crown and the government in legal matters. Role of the Attorney General The Attorney General is appointed […]
  • The Police Digital Service (PDS) is the UK organisation responsible for coordinating, developing, delivering, and managing digital services and solutions that enable UK policing to safely harness technology to improve public safety.  Funded by policing […]
  • The Family Justice Board in England and Wales plays a crucial role in shaping the family justice system and ensuring positive outcomes for children. Here are the key points: For more details, you can refer […]
  • The Gambling Act 2005 is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Its primary purpose is to regulate and control all forms of gambling within England, Wales, and Scotland. Enacted in 2005, this […]
  • Misconduct in public office is a common law offence in the United Kingdom that is defined as an individual who, being a public officer, acting in that capacity or under the pretence of such office, […]
  • The Family Justice Council (FJC) is a non-departmental public body in the United Kingdom that plays a crucial role in improving family court outcomes. A list of members is published on the FJC website. The […]
  • An Immigration Tribunal Judge plays a crucial role in the UK legal system, specifically within the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum). Let’s delve into their responsibilities, qualifications, and the process of handling appeals. Role and Responsibilities The First-tier Tribunal […]
  • The title “Chief Magistrate” holds historical and contemporary significance in various legal and governmental systems across the world. The Senior District Judge (Chief Magistrate) of England and Wales, as they are known, has a leadership […]
  • Here are a few examples of dodgy judges, otherwise known as rogue judges, that have been dismissed, disciplined or resigned. Some judges even managed to get criminal convictions. In my opinion, these judges are almost […]
  • Solicitors from Hell (www.solicitorsfromhell.co.uk) was a website that gained notoriety for allowing users to post negative reviews and complaints about solicitors and legal professionals. Created by Rick Kordowski, the site became a platform for airing […]
  • There are significant concerns of bias, secrecy and judicial independence, which relate to the operation of the Sussex Family Justice Board. Update 21st March 2023 : Sir Andrew McFarlane who is the President of the […]
  • “It is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done” Lord Hewart In the case of […]
  • The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) is the independent regulatory body responsible for overseeing and “policing” solicitors in England and Wales. Formed in January 2007 by the Legal Services Act 2007, the SRA operates independently of […]
  • Lady Justice, often depicted as a graceful figure holding a sword, scales, and sometimes wearing a blindfold, is an iconic symbol of the judicial system. Her image evokes a sense of impartiality, fairness, and the […]
  • The Legal Services Board (LSB) is an independent regulatory body that oversees the legal services sector in England and Wales. Its role is multifaceted, encompassing standards-setting, approval, regulation of legal services providers, and consumer guidance. […]
  • A Direct Access Barrister, also known as a Public Access Barrister, enables members of the public to directly instruct a qualified barrister without the need for an intermediary such as a solicitor. This scheme provides […]
  • A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is a powerful tool introduced in 2014 under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. These orders empower local authorities to address anti-social behaviour (ASB) in specific public […]
  • The Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales, Dame Sue Carr, has created a new Transparency and Open Justice Board. Justice must be done, and it must be seen to be done. The public has […]
  • A paralegal is a legal professional who performs tasks that require knowledge of legal concepts but does not hold the full expertise of a lawyer with an admission to practice law. These skilled individuals play […]
  • A judgment, also known as a judicial decision or court ruling, is the final decision made by a court of law in a legal case or dispute. It represents the court’s official decision on the […]
  • Adverse inference is a legal principle that plays a significant role in various areas of law, including criminal, civil, and family law. It arises when a party remains silent or withholds evidence, leading the court to draw a negative […]
  • A Lucas Direction, stemming from the case of R v Lucas (Ruth) [1981] EWCA Crim J0519-8, is a legal principle used in criminal trials to guide the jury on how to consider the evidence of […]
  • The Inns of Court are professional associations for barristers in England and Wales. They are responsible for the training and qualification of barristers, who are the specialised courtroom advocates in the British legal system. Every […]
  • A Notary is a qualified lawyer and a member of the oldest branch of the legal profession in the United Kingdom. In this article we explore the role, qualifications and historical context of notaries. Role […]
  • The Guide to Judicial Conduct – Revised July 2023, published by the judiciary, is intended to assist judges, tribunal members, coroners and magistrates, in relation to their conduct. The Guide to Judicial Conduct, amongst other […]
  • The President of the King’s Bench Division is a highly esteemed position in the United Kingdom’s judicial system. The President of the King’s Bench Division (KBD) is responsible for the deployment and organisation of the […]
  • A solicitor is a qualified legal professional who plays a crucial role in the legal system of England and Wales. Let’s explore what solicitors do, their qualifications and the essential skills. Role of a Solicitor […]
  • The King’s Counsel (KC) is a prestigious title awarded to senior barristers and advocates who have rights of audience in the higher courts of England and Wales who have also demonstrated the competencies in the […]
  • The Crimestoppers hotline to report corruption in the Metropolitan Police has now been launched nationwide. 2,878 online reports and calls were received between November 2022 and February 2024 in relation to officers and staff at […]
  • Sussex Police serves East and West Sussex and the city of Brighton & Hove which is an area of about 3,780km. A resident population of 1.65m people grows significantly with millions of visitors, holidaymakers, students, […]
  • In short, the answer is yes anyone can criticise a judge or court. The judiciary and courts are quite rightly not immune to public criticism and comment. The rule of law applies to everyone and […]
  • In the realm of law and order, the term “unlawful” denotes actions or behaviours that run counter to established laws, regulations, or ethical standards within a given society. It serves as a fundamental concept in […]
  • The concept of “innocent until proven guilty” is a fundamental principle of the justice system in many countries around the world. The principle is that an individual is considered innocent until proven guilty in a […]
  • Fraud is a criminal offence in the UK and can result in serious penalties. The relevant legislation in the UK is the Fraud Act 2006. Under this Act, it is an offense to dishonestly make a […]
  • Every year, the UK Supreme Court invites applications for up to 11 Judicial Assistants to support the work of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and the Judicial Committee of the […]
  • HM Courts and Tribunal Service have published a Fact sheet entitled Single Justice Service on their website. The Fact Sheet is worryingly described as “Promotional material“. The Single Justice Service (SJS) allows magistrates’ courts to […]
  • Injustice is a pervasive and complex concept that transcends geographical, cultural, and temporal boundaries, manifesting in various forms that deeply impact individuals and communities. At its core, injustice refers to the violation of principles of […]
  • The rule of law is a fundamental principle of democratic societies that underpins the concept of justice and fairness. It refers to the idea that all individuals and institutions are subject to the same set […]
  • The Justice Committee is a cross-party group of MPs appointed by the House of Commons to examine the policies and spending of the Ministry of Justice and associated public bodies. This includes the courts, legal […]
  • Private prosecution refers to the initiation of criminal proceedings by a private individual or organisation rather than a public authority such as the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in the UK. In the UK, private prosecutions […]
  • The Lady Chief Justice is the most senior judge in England and Wales, and is responsible for the administration of justice. Dame Sue Carr was sworn in as the first Lady Chief Justice of England […]
  • The Royal Courts of Justice are a grand court building situated in The Strand London England which are located opposite to the Temple Bar Memorial Pillar. The Royal Courts of Justice serves as the central […]
  • Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 grants police officers the power to direct a person to leave a specified area for up to 48 hours if certain conditions are met. […]
  • The Bar Standards Board published disciplinary findings against barrister Mr Thomas David Davidson on the 21st November 2023. Thomas Davidson, a practising barrister, behaved in a way which was likely to diminish the trust and […]
  • The Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman (JACO) is a UK government organisation that provides an independent review of complaints about the conduct of judicial office holders and the judicial appointments process. JACO works with the […]
  • The Senior President of Tribunals is the independent and statutory leader of the tribunal judiciary. The office of the Senior President of Tribunals is independent of both the Executive and the Chief Justices, and was […]
  • Section 41 of the Criminal Justice Act 1925 (CJA 1925) makes it an offence to take any photograph, make or attempt to make any portrait or sketch of a justice or a witness in, or […]
  • Judges have a duty to act impartially and without bias. This duty is enshrined in common law principles and is essential for upholding the rule of law. Recusal is an important ethical and legal principle […]
  • The term McKenzie Friend stems from the landmark case of McKenzie v McKenzie in 1970 (McKenzie v McKenzie [1970] 3 WLR 472 CA), where a husband sought assistance from a non-legally qualified friend to represent […]
  • ULEZ is London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s much-hated and deeply unpopular road charge, which has seen protests, violence and vandalism (criminal damage) throughout Greater London. The ULEZ scheme was expanded to cover all of Greater London […]
  • His Honour Judge Michael Slater, fell asleep during a trial and was subsequently investigated by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office who issued a disciplinary statement on the 29th August 2023. HHJ Michael Slater, a barrister, […]
  • Libel and slander are both forms of defamation, which involve making a false statement about someone that damages their reputation. Libel is a defamatory statement that is written. Slander is a defamatory statement that is […]
  • The Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) at the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology was allegedly established to bring together cross-government monitoring and analysis capabilities. It is often said that when a government decides what information […]
  • The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) is a law that sets out rules and regulations regarding the use, storage, and sharing of personal data in the United Kingdom (UK). The Data Protection Act 2018 was […]
  • The Ministry of Injustice have a number of domains names that can be used to access the MOI and other websites. All domains are used for a lawful purpose in line with the relevant domain […]
  • On the 4th July 2023 at 9.30am a McKenzie Friend and I went through “strict” airport style security at Horsham County Court in Hurst Rd, Horsham RH12 2ET. Pockets were emptied into a tray and […]
  • His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) independently assesses and reports, in the public interest, on the effectiveness and efficiency of police forces and fire & rescue services. “Promoting improvements in […]
  • The Royal Coat of Arms appear in every courtroom in England and Wales (with the exception of the Magistrates’ court in the City of London*), to demonstrate that justice comes from the monarch and that […]
  • The Lord Chief Justice is the most senior judge in England and Wales, and is responsible for the administration of justice. Since the 1st October 2023 Dame Sue Carr is the first Lady Chief Justice of […]
  • A kangaroo court is a term used to describe a judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding that lacks fairness, impartiality, or due process. It refers to a court that operates outside the boundaries of established legal principles […]
  • In a world which relies so heavily on email, mistakes such as sending an email to the wrong person can and often happen. Sending an email containing personal information to the wrong person could constitute […]
  • The Malicious Communications Act 1988 is a law in the United Kingdom that makes it illegal to send threatening, abusive, or offensive messages to others. The act was introduced in response to growing concerns about […]
  • In the first annual assessment of policing in England and Wales, Andy Cooke QPM DL who is His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary, has called for major reform, including new legal powers for the inspectors […]
  • Andrew Easteal formely known as His Honour Andrew Easteal has been removed from office by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) for misconduct after he ‘deliberately’ deleted data which was of police interest.  The Lord […]
  • Byelaws play a crucial role in regulating various aspects of society in the United Kingdom. Byelaws are made by local authorities and public bodies, including some private companies or charities, to address specific issues that […]
  • Why do the police make up the law ? Is ignorance of the law by a Police Officer a reasonable excuse ? Check out the latest Police News. The Gwent Auditor / TGA posted the […]
  • In England and Wales, judicial review is a legal process through which the courts review the lawfulness of decisions made by public bodies. It is a mechanism that allows individuals or organizations to challenge the […]
  • A Crown Servant, in the United Kingdom, is an individual who is employed by the Crown or works within the civil service of the government. The term “Crown servant” is not used in Scotland, where […]
  • Policing by consent is a fundamental principle that underpins modern democratic societies. It is a concept rooted in the belief that the authority of the police derives from the consent and cooperation of the public […]
  • The United Kingdom’s Ministry of Justice is responsible for the country’s justice system, ensuring that it is fair, transparent, and accessible to all. The Lord Chancellor, Alex Chalk KC MP, heads the Ministry of Justice […]
  • The Statute of Limitations in the United Kingdom (UK) establishes time limits within which legal actions can be brought against individuals or entities for various offenses. These limitations aim to strike a balance between the […]
  • The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) plays a crucial role in the criminal justice system of the United Kingdom and was established in 1986. The CPS is responsible for prosecuting criminal cases that have been investigated […]
  • The Keeper or Master of the Rolls and Records of the Chancery of England, also known as the Master of the Rolls, is the President of the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales. The Master […]
  • The offence of wasting police time is committed when a person causes any wasteful employment of the police. Wasting Police Time – section 5(2) of the Criminal Law Act 1967 applies :- Penalties for concealing […]
  • Stalking and harassment is when someone repeatedly behaves in a way that makes you feel scared, distressed or threatened. Stalking and harassment is a criminal offence. There are different types of stalking and harassment and […]
  • The Slip Rule is a legal tool in England and Wales that allows judges to correct typographical or other errors in court orders or judgments. The Slip Rule is included in both the Family Procedure […]
  • HHJ Farquhar was appointed as a Deputy District Judge in 1999, as a District Judge in 2005 and as a Recorder in 2009. Stuart Alastair Farquhar was appointed a circuit judge, assigned to the South […]
  • HHJ Bedford was appointed as a Deputy District Judge on the North Eastern Circuit in May 2002, a District Judge in 2007 and a Circuit Judge on the 10th April 2013. “HM the Queen has […]
  • Cafcass stands for Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service. Cafcass “independently advise the family courts about what is safe for children and in their best interests”(*) Cafcass has come under scrutiny in recent […]
  • Short Answer, in my opinion, NO (*confirmed) Update 21st April 2023 – Dominic Raab has finally resigned ! Dear prime minister, I am writing to resign from your government, following receipt of the report arising […]
  • In the United Kingdom, magistrates are volunteer judges who are appointed to serve in local courts. Magistrates are also known as justices of the peace (JP). Magistrates hear a range of criminal and civil cases, […]
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) are two sets of rules that govern data protection and electronic marketing communications in the UK. PECR was introduced in 2003 […]
  • Contracts are are used to establish legally binding agreements between parties which can written or oral. Contracts can be simply described as a promise enforceable by law. In the UK, contracts are governed by the […]
  • The law is a fundamental aspect of any society, and the United Kingdom is no exception. The law governs our everyday lives, providing a framework for behaviour and a means to resolve disputes. But what […]
  • Emergency Alerts is a new UK government service that will warn you if there’s a danger to life nearby. The Launch of life-saving public emergency alerts system was announced by the Cabinet Office and The […]
  • This Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 was introduced to clarify the legal position of those who assist, encourage, or facilitate the commission of a crime. It is therefore a piece of legislation that has had […]
  • Here are the 25 oldest pieces of UK legislation, in chronological order, that are still in use today :- It is worth noting that while these laws are still technically in use, many have been […]
  • The President of the Family Division is a highly esteemed position in the United Kingdom’s judicial system. It is a role responsible for overseeing and presiding over family-related cases in England and Wales. In this […]
  • The Privy Council is an institution that has played an important role in the governance of many countries throughout history. Its origins can be traced back to the medieval period when it was established as […]
  • 1 Crown Office Row Barrister Chambers was founded in 1935 and has been operating for over 85 years. One Crown Office Row has built a reputation as one of the leading sets of barristers in […]
  • The Equality Act 2010 is a piece of legislation in the UK that was introduced to provide a comprehensive framework for tackling discrimination and promoting equality. The Act was introduced on 1st October 2010 and […]
  • Etiquette and manners are important aspects of the court system. They help to maintain the decorum of the court, ensure the fair and impartial administration of justice, and demonstrate respect for the rule of law. […]
  • What is a Judge ? A judge is a legal professional who presides over court proceedings and makes rulings and judgments on legal cases. Judges are responsible for ensuring that trials are conducted fairly and […]
  • Daniel ShenSmith is a practising Barrister and Mediator who is also known as the BlackBelt Barrister. “I am a Barrister of England and Wales who helps you understand law” Daniel ShenSmith BlackBelt Barrister Youtube The […]
  • The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 is a significant piece of legislation that introduced major changes to the constitutional framework of the United Kingdom. A House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution produced a report […]
  • Burden and standard of proof are key concepts in the UK legal system that relate to the level of evidence required to prove a case. The burden of proof refers to the responsibility of the […]
  • His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) is an executive agency of the UK government, operating under the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). The Lord Chancellor, The Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP, heads the Ministry of […]
  • What is a Crime ? In the UK, a crime is defined as any act or omission that is prohibited by law and is punishable by the state through fines, imprisonment, or other penalties.. Crimes […]
  • Pro bono, a Latin phrase meaning “for the public good,” refers to the provision of legal services on a voluntary, free-of-charge basis to individuals and organisations who cannot afford to pay for legal assistance. In […]
  • Baroness Casey of Blackstock DBE CB has completed and published today (31st March 2023) her report The Baroness Casey Review into the standards of behaviour and internal culture of the Metropolitan Police Service (Met Police). […]
  • What is a Reasonable Person ? The reasonable person test is a legal concept used in UK law, which seeks to establish a standard of conduct that a hypothetical reasonable person would exhibit in a […]
  • What is Open Justice ? Open justice is a fundamental principle of the United Kingdom’s legal system. It means that Justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be […]
  • In the United Kingdom, websites must comply with several legal requirements to operate legally. The three main pieces of legislation governing websites in the UK are the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection […]
  • In the digital age, privacy has become a growing and valid concern for individuals and organisations alike. One aspect of online privacy that has gained particular attention is the use of cookies on websites. The […]
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making waves in the legal industry over the past few years. Many experts believe that AI technology could eventually replace lawyers, solicitors, and barristers. In a previous article we considered […]
  • Driving offences in the UK are regulated by a number of statutes, including the Road Traffic Act 1988, the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, the Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations 1999, and the […]
  • The Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA) is a UK law that was introduced in 1990 to address the issue of computer-related crime. The law is designed to protect computer users and systems from unauthorised access, […]
  • Insolvency is a term that is commonly used in the UK to refer to a financial state where an individual or business is unable to pay its debts as they fall due. In such a […]
  • Legal issues can arise in many different areas of our lives, from employment disputes to family law matters, and it can be challenging to know where to turn for help. Fortunately, in the UK, there […]
  • Debt Collectors and Bailiffs are both related to the process of collecting debts from individuals and businesses that owe money to creditors. In the UK, a debt collector is a person or company who is […]
  • A County Court Judgment (CCJ) is a legal order issued by a county court in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland against someone who owes money to a creditor. It is a common way for creditors […]
  • What is a salaried judge ? Salaried judges in the UK are full-time judges who are employed by the government to preside over cases in various courts and tribunals. They are appointed by the King […]
  • A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows an individual to appoint someone to make decisions on their behalf in case they lose mental capacity. The LPA is a powerful tool […]
  • Family law is an area of law that deals with legal issues arising from family relationships, such as divorce, child custody, child support, adoption, and other matters related to family dynamics. In the UK, mediation […]
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionising numerous industries in recent years, from healthcare to finance. One area that has been gaining more attention is the legal system, where AI such as OpenAI has the potential […]
  • A will is a legal document that specifies how a person’s assets and possessions will be distributed after their death. A will is also known as a Last Will and Testament There is no need […]
  • Legal aid is a government-funded program that provides financial assistance to individuals who cannot afford legal representation in court. In the United Kingdom, legal aid is administered by the Legal Aid Agency, which is an […]
  • Contempt of court is a serious offense in England and Wales, which can result in severe legal consequences. It refers to any action or behavior that interferes with the administration of justice or undermines the […]
  • The Judiciary in England and Wales is made up of judges, magistrates, tribunal members, and coroners. Together, they uphold the rule of law. The three key values which are central to the role of judicial […]
  • The amount of BBC News notifications that aren’t worthy of the title of “Breaking News” appears to be increasing and is ridiculous. The BBC used to used Breaking News alerts for only the most serious […]

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